欧洲艺术协会 | 希腊犹太博物馆:跨文化理解和尊重

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  4. 欧洲艺术协会 | 希腊犹太博物馆:跨文化理解和尊重
  5. 发布时间:2022年06月13日

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     希腊犹太博物馆位于雅典,于1977年,在尼古拉斯· 斯塔夫鲁拉基斯作为雅典犹太社区代表的时候建立的,旨在保护希腊犹太人的物质文化。

     博物馆成立之初,只是在城市犹太教堂旁边占有一个小空间。1984 年,它搬到了一个租用的场所,经过多年的努力,博物馆终于在 1989 年获得了它的合法地位,成为了一个拥有七名董事会成员的非营利基金会组织。

     伴随着博物馆合作和活动的扩大,它的收藏品因为得到来自希腊各地的新收购品而变得丰富。由于这些和许多其他原因,博物馆被迁移到了一座 19 世纪的新古典主义风格特色的建筑中。翻修后,博物馆于 1998 年正式重新向公众开放。

     Located in Athens, the Jewish Museum of Greece was established by Nicholas Stavroulakis in 1977 as representative of the Jewish Community of Athens in order to preserve the material culture of the Greek Jews.

     At the moment of its establishment, the museum was housed in a small room next to the city’s synagogue. In 1984, it moved to a rented space and after years of efforts, in 1989, the museum acquired its legal status as a no-profit foundation with a seven-member Board of Directors.

     The museum‘s collaborations and activities gradually expanded; at the same time, its collection was enriched with new acquisitions from all over Greece. For these and many other reasons, the museum was moved to a 19th-century neoclassical building. After its renovation, the museum officially re-opened its doors to the public in 1998. 



Composite image of paintings by Nikos Stavroulakis (© Nikos Stavroulakis)



     The renovated building is of great architectural interest. The exterior of the structure was maintained, and the interior was completely rebuilt. A total of 4 floors and a total area of 800 square meters house the huge collection of the museum.  All the levels are arranged around a central octagonal shaft, which runs the height of the building, from the basement to the roof. The exhibition is indeed divided into thematic units, one per level. Besides the permanent exhibition, there is a temporary exhibitions area, a Contemporary Art Gallery, an educational programs area, a library, a cloakroom, storage facilities, a photographic archive and laboratory, a conservation laboratory, as well as office space.







     1984 年,帕特雷犹太社区因成员缺少而解散,其犹太教堂的内部的一些物品以及其纺织品和仪式物品被遗赠给了博物馆。今天,在希腊犹太博物馆展出的其他一些展品可以追溯到奥斯曼帝国时代(尤其是仪式纺织品)。所有这些原始物品都极其重要、价值无可估量和不可替代,因为它们大部分来自业已消失的犹太教堂和社区。

     In the beginning, the objects displayed and stored were almost all coming from the terrible event of WW2. In a few years, many donors and researchers decided to give their contributions to the museum and they started to donate several objects including rare books, publications, textiles, jewelry, and artifacts from all over the communities of Greece.

     In 1984 the Jewish community of Patras was dissolved for lack of members and the interior of its synagogue, along with its textiles and ritual objects was bequeathed to the Museum. Some other exhibits that today are displayed at the Jewish Museum of Greece are dated back to the Ottoman times (especially ritual textiles). All these original objects are extremely significant, invaluable, and irreplaceable, since they come, for the most part from synagogues and communities which no longer exist. 







     今天,博物馆收藏了 8000 多件原始文物,涵盖了23个世纪以来犹太人在希腊的存在。文物分为以下几类:一类是宗教仪式器物、家庭和个人物品,另一类是有关大屠杀文物、文件和信息材料。来自希腊国内和国外的捐款从未停止过。自 2000 年以来,博物馆平均每年收到 250-300 件文物。

     Today the museum collection counts more than 8000 original artifacts covering more than 23 centuries of Jewish presence in Greece. The artifacts are divided into the following categories: ritual objects, domestic and personal items on one side, and Holocaust artifacts, documents, and information material on the other side. The donations from both Greece and abroad never stopped. Since 2000, the museum receives every year an average of 250-300 artifacts. 






     All the photos are: Copyright © Official website Jewish Museum of Greece